Vitamin C deficiency is associated with impaired immunity and thus higher susceptibility to infections. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and free radical scavenger that has anti-inflammatory properties, and influences cellular immunity and vascular integrity. 1

Vitamin C is an effective antioxidant because of its ability to readily donate electrons thereby protecting biomolecules from damage by oxidants that are generated during normal cell metabolism and through exposure to toxins and pollutants. Vitamin C efficiently neutralizes reactive oxygen and nitrogen species such as hydroxyl, peroxyl, and superoxide radicals providing antioxidant protection to tissues subjected to high free-radical stress. Vitamin C also provides antioxidant protection indirectly by regenerating other biologic antioxidants such as glutathione, alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E) and flavonoids to their active state. 1, 2, 3

Vitamin C has an impact on vascular integrity by promoting synthesis and deposition of type IV collagen, which forms the basement membrane of blood vessels.4 Vitamin C may also help preserve and maintain endothelial barrier function due to its anti-inflammatory effect. 1, 4, 5

  1. Carr, A.C.; Maggini, S. Vitamin C and Immune Function. Nutrients. 2017, 9, 1211.
  2. Panel on Dietary Antioxidants and Related Compounds, Institute of Medicine. Chapter 5: Vitamin C. In: Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Carotenoids: A Report of the Institute of Medicine. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2000: 95-185.
  3. Frei, B.; England, L; Ames B.N. Ascorbate is an outstanding antioxidant in human blood plasma. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1989, 86 (16), 6377-6381
  4. May, J.; Harrison, F. Role of Vitamin C in the Function of the Vascular Endothelium. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 2013, 19, 2068-2083.
  5. Oudemans-van Straaten HM; Spoelstra-de Man AM; de Waard MC. Vitamin C Revisited. Crit Care. 2014, 18, 460.

Indication & Important Safety Information

ASCOR® is vitamin C indicated for the short term (up to 1 week) treatment of scurvy in adult and pediatric patients age 5 months and older for whom oral administration is not possible, insufficient or contraindicated.

Limitations of Use:
ASCOR® is not indicated for treatment of vitamin C deficiency that is not associated with signs and symptoms of scurvy.

Important Safety Information

Contraindications: None.

Administration site reactions include pain and swelling.

ASCOR® should not be rapidly administered. Rapid intravenous administration (>250 mg/minute) of ASCOR® may cause temporary faintness or nausea, lethargy, flushing, dizziness, and headache.

Acute and chronic oxalate nephropathy have occurred with prolonged administration of high doses of ascorbic acid. ASCOR® is not indicated for prolonged administration. The maximum recommended duration is one week.

In patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency severe hemolysis has occurred.

Ascorbic acid may interfere with laboratory tests based on oxidation-reduction reactions, including blood and urine glucose testing, nitrite and bilirubin levels, and leucocyte count testing. If possible, laboratory tests based on oxidation-reduction reactions should be delayed until 24 hours after infusion of ASCOR®.

Please see accompanying Full Prescribing Information for ASCOR®.


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