(800) 603-4795

2921 W MacArthur Blvd.
Suite 141
Santa Ana, CA 92704
4040 W Carriage Drive
Santa Ana, CA 92704

This form is intended for US medical professionals requesting information on ASCOR® Ascorbic Acid Injection (Vitamin C Injection) only. If you are a US healthcare professional and have a medical inquiry, please complete this form and submit to receive a response from McGuff Pharmaceuticals Scientific Liaison team. McGuff Pharmaceuticals Scientific Liaison team may be reached by calling 1-800-603-4795. If you have a non-medical inquiry please use our Other Requests form.

Our Scientific Liaison team is comprised of Doctors of Pharmacy who each have many years of experience and have consulted with hundreds of physicians, researchers, clinicians, and key opinion leaders on the diverse subject of High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C. Intravenous Vitamin C has a broad history and has been deeply rooted in McGuff Family of Companies over their lifespan and ASCORĀ® ultimately became the first single moiety FDA approved Injectable Vitamin C in the United States. Our Scientific Liaison team is kept abreast of the latest research, new developments, and clinical trials as it relates to Intravenous Vitamin C.

They are here to consult with you about anything you would like to know about ASCOR® IV Vitamin C:

  • Responding to requests for additional information
  • Analyzing clinical trends and practices
  • Hosting advisory boards
  • Consulting with medical professionals
  • Monitoring the scientific literature for new developments
  • And anything else that you may need

All you have to do is ask!

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Request Ascor® In-Use Stability Study Information

Due to the significant amount of inquiries from the Medical Community about the stability of Ascor® in Intravenous Solutions and to assist with the dissemination of the information, McGuff Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is providing a standard response to assist Pharmacists and Physicians with the available information. Please fill out the form below:

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Indication & Important Safety Information

ASCOR® is vitamin C indicated for the short term (up to 1 week) treatment of scurvy in adult and pediatric patients age 5 months and older for whom oral administration is not possible, insufficient or contraindicated.

Limitations of Use:
ASCOR® is not indicated for treatment of vitamin C deficiency that is not associated with signs and symptoms of scurvy.

Important Safety Information

Contraindications: None.

Administration site reactions include pain and swelling.

ASCOR® should not be rapidly administered. Rapid intravenous administration (>250 mg/minute) of ASCOR® may cause temporary faintness or nausea, lethargy, flushing, dizziness, and headache.

Acute and chronic oxalate nephropathy have occurred with prolonged administration of high doses of ascorbic acid. ASCOR® is not indicated for prolonged administration. The maximum recommended duration is one week.

In patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency severe hemolysis has occurred.

Ascorbic acid may interfere with laboratory tests based on oxidation-reduction reactions, including blood and urine glucose testing, nitrite and bilirubin levels, and leucocyte count testing. If possible, laboratory tests based on oxidation-reduction reactions should be delayed until 24 hours after infusion of ASCOR®.

Please see accompanying Full Prescribing Information for ASCOR®.


The information contained in this section of the site is intended for U.S. healthcare professionals only.